Thursday, August 05, 2010

Toronto's Embarrassment & Shame - Disgraced Councillor Ford's Inconvenient FACTS #VoteTO

Thirty-Two compelling reasons that SCREAM for a Boycott of Councillor Ford et al...the wannabe Mayor of Toronto & full time Equal Opportunity Rights Offender

The truth strikes back!

Dieter Doneit-Henderson sets the record str8, on the Ford lies & Ford Fantasies...
What about what wasn't said in the Globe and Mail's story? Maybe it's because this article was a Profile of the Councillor or maybe it was size restrictions. Councillor Ford is ultimately reduced to the make-believe caricature that he has been made out to be of late. Councillor Ford the "slimmed down super hero" *BARF*

For those who don't want all the details, here is the near bullet point version of what the Globe and Mail did not tell you. Since City News ran a piece today on his Homophobia Clergy Man who is now behind Ford, but didn't go into further detail! And why would they!

The Toronto Star's first piece was great, if it had not been planned by Councillor Ford to grab votes of the LGBTQ community. The second article by the TorontoStar was ill-fated, botched, slanderous and libel for having "Drug Addiction CCounselling and "Help for Addicts" around my story. Neither apply and the writer David Rider knew that better than anyone else at that time. But that didn't stop him literally plagiarizing Sue-Ann Levy's piece. His final article on the matter was systemically false and an abuse of journalistic integrity & ethics and everything that code has come to stand for. The other thing that bothers me about the Toronto Star is why David Rider felt the need in telling Councillor Ford about the recording at all? He could have CHOSEN not to literally BAIT Councillor Ford and his camp including Doug, his Campaign Manager.

Why did David Rider and his "bosses" at the Toronto Star - who so quickly green light the "rushed" & libel addict story...Yet sit on this recording so long?

David Rider's ill-fated last article

Sue-Ann Levy's scandalous & slanderous Front Page Story

I have first hand experiences here & I don't think ANY Ford Campaign should be supported alone for the truths that are about to be revealed. A fellow Councillor of Toronto says it best "It is self evident that Councillor Ford has a MAJOR problem with the truth". Councillor Ford is NOT JUST homophobic, that's the least worry-some trait of his, as you'll discover.

Why did the Star wait for a whole week AFTER the recording took place to inform Councillor Ford since that call had been so "threatening". Why did the Toronto Star not just goto the police if they felt I had been in anyway threatening a City Councillor? Councillor Ford, Doug Ford and Rob Ford Team waited for over another whole week before taking a knee jerk reaction, which was to hastily plan together a news story and press conference later that day, that will discredit the subject, before the subject can even have the chance to get a word in edgewise. That failed, even if it had a short term effect.

The Toronto Star must have known that they would get a reaction out of the Ford Brother's! That's how they roll! Or was it because they KNEW they would get a reaction!? It was Doug's Voicemail left a full week AFTER I had been "threatening & a drug addict" and in the voicemail, he never mentions the threats or drugs or anything to that effect? How is that then?

Doug Ford's cryptic Voicemail - Left well over a week AFTER I had apparently been a "threat & drug addict" - No mention of either, but why so concerned that a call was recorded Doug?

1. Councillor Ford stated to the public, media and police that he spoke to our MPP Donna Cansfield at a Cricket Match the weekend before his Press Conference. Councillor Ford said MPP Cansfield had told him personally that she had "filed a criminal complaint" against us with the Toronto Police Service - That was found to be entirely Ford Fantasy. It could be likened with wishful thinking too! Councillor Ford was asked by the media why he was"so sure" I was "threatening" and cited my MPP's "Criminal Complaint" as "evidence" that his story had merit and should be taken at face value.

2. Councillor Ford then changed his mind & misled the public by stating that he had been told by MPP Cansfield's - Executive Assistant - Over the telephone - That they had lodged a “criminal complaint”. That changed from our MPP as he said in his Press Conference - It was now her EA that had filed a "Criminal complaint" with the TPS about us - This has now been found to be FALSE too. More Ford Fantasy. Trouble with the truth much?

3. Toronto Police Service confirms that MPP Cansfield nor her Executive Assistant EVER contacted the Police Service to file a "criminal complaint" in any way.

The officer stated that Councillor Ford is "very much mistaken"

4. Why did Councillor Ford continue to press us to attend his "Wine & Cheese Party" the day AFTER that “threatening” call? The event was in Scarborough & he wanted to parade us around as his "Gay's who Approve & are Voting Ford 4 Mayor" - In his Press Conference he's used the call as proof of his claims. That is a little more serious than a little case of "jumbling his words up" - It is yet another Fabrication a La Ford!

5. Councillor Ford felt "so scared for his families safety" that he went to the police 2 days before the Toronto Star planned on releasing the audio and proper follow up story, which all concerned knew about! Well over a week after they found out! Even the Toronto Police Service has stated that Councillor Ford was "Very much mistaken". Where I come from THAT would be called as it is... Yet MORE LIES. More BULLSHIT.

6. Councillor Ford felt so "threatened" that he insisted to the point of desperation that we were to attend his "wine and cheese event" the next night — by any means possible. Anyone who's heard the full recording, as in every last word with nothing missed, knows that he was practically begging us to come out with him. Yet we were a REAL threat the day before!? Councillor Ford even took it a step further and stated for us to bring our friends "It'll be a great night" - It's all on the recorded call! I BET Councillor Ford MIGHT have liked it, had I brought MY FRIENDS round. The only problem is the kind of people I know think little of Councillor Ford as I've found out through this needless disaster story created by the amateurs at Team Rob Ford. My friends, some featured right below know that Councillor Ford is not just "Mistaken" but a liar. There is a difference!

7. Councillor Ford felt so "threatened" that he continued to press and press with "There's plenty of free booze" - So clearly Councillor Fords ill-fated lie which was "You can attack my politics but I draw the line at my family, you do NOT threaten my family"... was yet another example of a blatant lie?!

How disingenuous and how DOWNRIGHT PATHETIC!

8. Councillor Ford KNEW exactly what Oxycontin was & knew it was a medication for me. One medication of many which I have had to take for years and will have to continue taking for years to come! Yet in his video interview with Sue-Ann Levy from the Toronto Sun both state I'm a "drug addict" - Both knew that this medication has been long standing and prescribed for nearly 3 years. Both knew that I have a Disability and Condition that is acknowledged by the Human Rights Code & Tribunal of Ontario. It is defined by the Ontario Disability Support Program & Act - See Letters Below! Clearly Councillor Ford is saying that people are "smoking dope" when they light their Medical Marijuana for which I have a Health Canada License! Councillor Ford willfully contributed to medical negligence, conspiracy to discredit and cover up & blame it on people who are then defined either to be "Smitherman Supporters" because we happen to be Gay or out to Smear a Mayoral Candidate. I'm not sure which is more absurd, but I can swear before ya'll right no - I'd rather go legless than vote for Smitherman, who's even more disingenuous than Councillor Ford, for he plays like his memory doesn't work, when he should recall our interactions. I can! Funny that!

Insert 2 letters


Councillor Ford should be FORCED out of office in disgrace. You embody the very definition of a disgrace & should be ashamed of yourself. Your own father will be rolling in his grave!

9. Councillor Ford, his Brother/Campaign Manager Doug Ford & Sue-Ann Levy called me a "Drug Addict". They implied I was "crazed for Oxycontin". How crazed is a “drug addict” that mentions only two, three or four tablets and that was AFTER Councillor Ford would NOT give up trying to get us to come to his event. How many "drug addicts" do you know that only want a small amount, i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4?

Does Councillor Ford get TV Channels? Like A&E maybe? Seen "Intervention" much?

10. Those featured on Intervention are real "drug addicts" and despite the stigma they face everyday because of their Addictions - they do NOT deserve to be treated like the lowest common denominator by people like you.

People of Toronto make NO MISTAKE this is EXACTLY how Councillor Ford intends to run Our City & how he intends to "respect the taxpayer" - By respecting us ALL. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone! It shows the lengths Councillor Ford will goto, to keep his version of history alive.

I think we can all agree, Miller was shit, but if Ford is elected Mayor, we’d have no way of knowing if he’s telling the truth or lying to cover up something that’s not convenient for him at that moment!

Councillor Ford assaults Couple visiting Toronto for a Leafs hockey game, denies involvement then admits to it, apologizes and moves on to the next nightmare...Stay Tuned Folks...

Here is a "special" example of abuse at the hands of Councillor Ford. In this incident he lied about it in order to evade responsible for his own actions & worse, his slurred words. He was apparently drunk at the ACC to watch a Leaf's game and have a few drinks, emphasis on DRINKS. At some point he apparently orally assaulted an innocent couple at the same game. When this was reported on in the media, Councillor Ford instinctively lied trying to cover his tracks! In the end he HAD NO CHOICE but to admit to being responsible for the verbal abuse & slurs he used on that couple, which are nothing short of shocking.

11. Councillor Ford stated in the recording that I was "emotionally disturbed" - Wrong - Angry, frustrated & pissed at a system I pay for - OHIP - Which is supposed to help those with Medical Needs, not let them fall"through the medical cracks" as John Tory put it whilst Interviewing me about this situation on NewsTalk1010. The interview is below for all to hear! Frustration & anger that the Doctors's who serve that Health Care system which is failing us in this way, are themselves so ignorant that they feel the need to say things like "FMS Doesn't exist" and claim "Dr. Carolyn Bennett MP & former Health Minister is NOT a real DR".

Friend, DR and MP Carolyn Bennett

John Tory & I, on NewsTalk1010 Toronto - He was the 1st person to truly understand that I am "falling through the health cracks" - Have a listen!

12. Apparently Councillor Ford thinks I'm good at fortune telling as it was Councillor Ford who first stated that this was all a "set up". That outright lie was then plagiarized in some of the same comments on the Toronto Sun’s comment board attached to the scandalous and slanderous story by family friend Sue-Ann Levy. How many people do you know that were privy to information that Councillor Ford was going to be leading the race, at the time the recording was made? The time difference is over a week before the poll! Don't take my word for it just ask Nik Nanos it was HIS poll not MINE!

Last I checked I am not privy to a lead in polls, coming out in the future!

This whole time I keep wondering why I haven't won the lottery yet with such abilities to see into the future!

Councillor Ford misled the public by stating he had been "Setup" when that notion is yet another Ford Fantasy in the works.

13. Councillor Ford at the Mayor's Debate on May 5th - After I sent out hundreds of Twitter and Facebook messages that had been received and used by the George Smitherman campaign, as we ARE in Councillor Ford's Ward. I said online that Clearly Councillor Ford is STILL a homophobe, for I identified us as "My husband and I want to help your campaign"

The day after the debate, Smitherman then used us, as a source, without even asking & yes he had my email... in his press release, seen below. That was issued the day AFTER the debate that Smitherman accused him of being homophobic and NOW used us as the source in his Press Release! Why not just drop us an email George and we could have shown you what was happening, all of which, you would have had a fix to, being former Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. Being lazy was easier I guess!

14. If I was such a clear and present "danger to his young family" and such a "threat" - Why then, did Councillor Ford's brother Doug Ford - Come Campaign Manager - call us multiple times & even left a Voicemail AFTER the Toronto Star had told them I had given them an electronic copy of THAT call!? Recall the voicemail of Doug's above, was well over a week after I was supposedly so "threatening". I gave it to the Toronto Star so that they could discretely assess for themselves, as they were the one's doing the "big followup" that never happened! David Rider, the Toronto Star reporter who brought Councillor Ford & his brother to our home in the first place asked specifically that I keep him in the loop about all new developments as by that time I had received the threatening call from “Councillor Ford's City Hall Office”. That is what the caller identified himself as. Days after that I had to be rushed to the ER via EMS for a small seizure caused by being forced abruptly off medications that are NOT intended to be stopped like that. That was 3 days before the Call.

Strokes & Heart Attacks are commonplace when someone abruptly stops taking certain medications. Councillor Ford knew this very well, because it was explained to him more than one. Does he care for Human Life? Clearly not! Councillor Ford & Sue-Ann Levy knew that NONE of the medications that make me sick if I stop them abruptly are NOT called OxyContin!!

15. You guessed right if you thought - Wait a second, same call as the one in which Councillor Ford claims I "threatened him" in? - Yes Same Call - It was my providing the digital capture - NOT “tape” as Sue-Ann Levy lied and said. Sue-Ann Levy lied about that, the size of OxyContin pills I am prescribed & how many patches I have had to wear, on doctors orders, to control the pain and all that despite having all our confidential records to hand, because Councillor Ford breached Ethics and Conduct regulations yet again, by releasing our privileged Medical Records! Sloppy!

Sue-Ann is confused! First she Obtained a "tape" - Yet after the fact she must realize it's not "a tape" at all and NEVER has been! Levy is clearly not a fan of doing her homework! DUH!

16. It's clear to all concerned that Sue-Ann Levy DIDN'T hear the recording as in her piece she says she "Obtained it". Then at the end of her botched story she’s saying "Those who have heard the tape say Councillor Ford is too nice" - Which is it? You confuse me SUE-ANN!

Sue-Ann Levy get's confused again and writes "those who heard the tape" - She also wrote the WRONG medication dosages...Just more evidence how sloppy Levy is and how she will ignore facts, even when provided our medical records, which is a major Breach of Integrity.

Sue-Ann Levy lied and misled the public in thinking that I CREATED a picture of Councillor Ford with the caption of "Wife Beater" on it - As comical as that is, I CANNOT claim to own what is not mine! Nice try Ms Levy, but no CIGAR for you! Another GROSS lie by the woman featured just below. Don't scroll over the face, it will lead to SMDS - Sudden Mouse Death Syndrome

More Levy Lies & a quick Google Search would have given that one away! Amateurs!

17. When Sue-Ann Levy wrote her piece it went live the night before, the day of Councillor Ford's ill-fated Press Conference - The same Conference in which Councillor Ford REFUSED to release the FULL RECORDING to the media. The truth is he didn’t have it to release and if he did, it would have been a PR nightmare for the Fords. I had the recording as did David Rider of the Toronto Star. Additionally one member of the Gay Media was informed. That person is Marcus McCann of Xtra/Fab. At NO TIME did I give that digital recording to Sue-Ann Levy of the Toronto Sun so you DIDN'T "obtain” it at all! Even the Globe and Mail has falsely said I released the recording to the "tabloids" - Fact is, they never had it before it leaked out! You lot just bluffed your way through this shit storm, halfheartedly! One can tell!

Part of Sue-Ann Levy's scandalous and slanderous article that was placed on the front page no less. Featuring packs of lies!

If you're going to lie at least try and get the story right!

It was me who released the recording to the media, which Councillor Ford dispatched to his Press Conference. We heard from them when they arrived that the full recording was NOT released to them. They had also been refused all the facts, much to my surprise, as Councillor Ford knew we had a very clear paper-trail that would annihilate his patently false lies.

Insert Audio
Councillor Ford saying clearly, that MPP Donna Cansfield is NOT helping & slandered us by saying "there is more to this than meets the eyes"!

Councillor Ford sitting in our living room, starring blankly, emotionless, yet fuming angry that MPP Donna Cansfield has "failed to help in a matter that is CLEARLY her responsibility" - Provincial Health Care or lack thereof!

18. Councillor Ford was hoping only the favourable snippets and his contrived message/fantasy would be heard. He clearly misled even himself in thinking I might have something to hide and would therefore not release the whole call to the media! Silly mistake to make, really!

Each media representative got the full audio and other evidence we had to hand, plenty really, to prove a disorder recognized by the Ontario Government. That makes the neglect all that much more serious. Still, each media outlet failed in seeing the central story, the medical neglect that is allowed to occur, right before our eye's and how some people, turn and twist that around in their favour, hopefully, to remain in the Mayor's Race when that person has a maturity level of a 1 month old Cat and even that's an insult to ALL cats!

19. As a result of Councillor Ford’s lies there are some in the public who have been so badly misled that they have commented that My Husband and I are “agents for Team Smitherman” and “on his payroll & members of his staff”. Some have SAID we've HAD SEX with George Smitherman or with George Smitherman's Husband. Some even have implied that David Rider of the "Red Star" or "Commie Star" as the Toronto Sun’s animated readers call it — is G-A-Y! All of this is rubbish. Pure Ford fantasy.

20. Yet other's are misled in thinking that we "were put up to this". Really? By whom? No one has been able to explain to me why I would soil my own name and reputation to be the fall guy for a dirty politician!? Why would I create a situation whereby I have a rich City Councillor accusing me of the worst rubbish, all of it slandering my good name & doing it publicly no less!?

That doesn't hold water. It didn't over a month ago, when you first proclaimed this to be a "threat to you and your young family" - We have never ONCE been contacted by police!

People are not THAT dumb Councillor Ford!

21. Thanks to Councillor Ford’s lies my husband's gay employer fired him for no other reason except that HE HAD READ the Toronto Sun and Sue-Ann Levy's slanderous piece and fired him because his health condition was exposed to the media without his ever having provided consent that such could be written about him. He had nothing to do with any of this and can’t even vote! Councillor Ford knew that too. That is an epic breach of trust, confidence & will be sorted in COURT. You can't fire someone because of their health; The last person I heard of that happening to, was recently awarded $20K for Pain & Suffering because of her Wrongful Dismissal for no reason other than her health.

Councillor Ford has A LOT TO ANSWER FOR.

22. Councillor Ford was caught lying in a phone call and is heard offing "Street Drugs". This was almost a month after he swore with the media present in our home that he would sort a doctor for us — even “if it’s our own around the corner” Councillor Ford said. He also said "it should be left with me” and “your Ford Family now buddy. Then he turned around & proceeded to APPEAR to be helping and failed miserably to take the health needs seriously & got it blatantly wrong. I am NOT an ADDICT and I never have been one, but I have helped many friends in the past who were Addicts. Councillor Ford knew that the ER tests showed OxyContin was NOT found in my blood when I was rushed to the ER by EMS only 4 days before that "threatening & drug addict" call was recorded.

23. That call was digitally captured for no other reason than totally transparency. Something that Councillor Ford clearly doesn't know the first thing about! My husband was at work so I recorded the call so he could listen to it, as Councillor Ford’s “advice over the phone” was becoming more neglectful & shocking in nature. The medical need and negligent situation that was created by Councillor Ford happened just a few days prior to the Toronto Star having called us for an update to see how things were proceeding and if Councillor Ford was delivering on his most basic promise. We told them the truth, which was that Councillor Ford was ignoring the seriousness of the Health Matter and that they were basically ignoring us. Councillor Ford made us feel used after we turned down three Campaign Ford events that he desperately asked us to attend. We also informed them of the call from Councillor Fords office telling us to stay away in a very threatening and intimidating fashion. After those facts were know, the Toronto Star said it would be best to record such calls, as who would have believed any of this, without having the call to back up our entire story and rip apart Councillor Ford's lies.

24. If I was such a “ threat” why did Councillor Ford’s brother Doug call us the same night as the recorded call with Councillor Ford took place? I had been "threatening" only hours before, surely Doug Ford wouldn't continue contact with me or us, would he? But he did! He continued to send us emails AFTER I had allegedly "threatened" Councillor Ford "and his young family". You guys just forgot about all of that!

Doug Ford on the Left and Councillor Ford on the right...A vote for either, is well...It's clear what a vote for either represents!

25. Doug Ford accused us of "throwing them under the bus" and said "we have nothing to hide". That was nearly a week AFTER that call was recorded. Days later Doug Ford called Colville saying he was “wondering how things were going and was sorry he hadn't been in touch” - Then Councillor Ford calls minutes later saying “I don’t know what else to do for you guys” to which Colville said “OK” & thanked him anyway. Councillor Ford then suggested yet again that we “should not miss his Scarborough Event”. He expected us to attend” in-spite of my having a fractured/shattered rib. Councillor Ford raised OxyContin in the call, so it would take MY PAIN AWAY enough to attend his "Wine & Cheese" - I encourage EVERYONE to take the 50 minutes out of your life and hear the full recording as you will not believe how and under what circumstances this man was offering to buy "street drugs" for me to self medicate enough, so I could come to his low-head count "Wine & Cheese Event"!

26. That was how the Toronto Star became aware that the Councillor was offering to get my medications on the street. During the recording you can hear me telling Councillor Ford “its crazy that he should even be contemplating going to the street for a medication I have been prescribed for years” - The press failed to mention that.

27. Just how much of a “threat” was I when Krista Ford niece of Councillor Ford and senior campaign operative brought us to not just Doug Ford’s home but also to Councillor Ford’s home. Krista Ford has you think she’s a“goody goody” when in reality she has two very different Facebook profiles. Why would she need two? One for her boyfriend and REAL friends which is under a different name, Krista Michele. The one she wants the public and media to know about is Krista Ford: A wholesome girl who is NOTHING like the conniving person that Krista Ford proved to be. Why the need to hide your real life from all to see?

Would the REAL Krista Michelle, Ford please STAND UP?

The Facebook account for friends & private ONLY - Not for public consumption!!

FB message from Krista Michelle above

Above: FB message from Krista Ford, inviting us to Councillor Ford's birthday, after he personally invited us to be "Guests of Honour" - The OK for media & public account that hides the REAL Krista Ford

Last Pic - Krista Ford in "Priape" Gay mens store, buying underwear for her Boyfriend Phil - Councillor Ford was NOT happy that we brought her into the Village...OPPPS!

28. Why doesn't Krista Ford explain how it is that SHE took us in her Ford Mustang the old version and drove us to her house which is the home of her FATHER Doug Ford? Whilst their she introduced me to her Sister’s! Krista then came out with us into the Gay Village. She openly admitted she had never been there before because that was “an issue for the family image & business"- So much for “not homophobic” - After the Gay Village she brought us to Councillor Ford’s City Hall office the night of the Bike Lane fiasco. See picture taken below. Councillor Ford then gave us booze to drink before we returned to the Council Floor, where he paraded us across for all to see, which is against Council rules and for which he was being told off, as he walked us across. He also took a number of barbed shots at his peers. I don't kiss and tell, but let's put it this way, you JUST DON'T say those types of things to a lady! When we were done at City Hall just after 11pm Krista Ford drove us right to Councillor Ford’s home, where he was getting out of his van. It was Councillor Ford who gave us his private cell phone number, Doug’s and Krista’s. Just like we still have them and could call either 3 now and phone records don't lie!

Toronto City Hall

Krista Ford posing for a contrived "Wholesome Look" via my camera in our Living Room

So how much of a "threat” were we again?

29. Sue Ann Levy lied when she said that I was "shopping" the call. The truth is Xtra/Fab was made aware around the same time as each other and that was IT. Levy continued to mislead the people by saying I was shopping the story to Toronto Life who contacted me and offered to do "an exclusive". Not the other way around. I have the emails to prove that I never once told Toronto Life nor anyone besides the Toronto Star and Xtra/Fab about the recording. Levy's stated otherwise & that is a fabricated lie. Xtra didn't even make parts of it public until AFTER Ford TRIED TO preempted the truth from leaking out, damaging his image & Mayoral run. After-all he now had a new image to live up to. He was now a "changed Ford" who was no longer a homophobe and the real VICTIM! Sounds familiar! Oh yeah! It was campaign advice you got FROM ME!

30. The planning of this and the execution of this slander is a spectacular example of why Councillor Ford and ilk cannot be trusted. His actions, his families actions & the actions of a close family friends of influence, like Sue-Ann Levy speaks to the cold nature of Councillor Ford’s game of manipulation, calculation & pre-meditation. Incidentally, Sue-Ann Levy would have found out about Toronto Life because I told Councillor Ford that they wanted to do an exclusive story on his "apology to us" which was never asked for by us EVER & was NOT a big surprise. As for his apology, it turned out to be as phoney as the man himself. Contrived with the hope and prayer to gain support and votes. That whole “apology” was recorded in full by David Rider and is further proof that Councillor Ford lies.

Do not be fooled by Councillor Ford's LIES that he "didn't know what OxyContin was until someone explained it to him”. The media reports his own flesh and blood, sister Kathy, as being a “drug addict” who is said to be recovering by getting Opiate Addiction Replacement Therapy via Prescribed Opiates. To therefore take a true Medical Need and compare that to a “drug addict” who he is all to familiar with, is DISGUSTING and LOATHSOME of Councillor Ford. It shows us exclusively, how small minded he really is!

31. The Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy story also features an interesting and thought provoking few comments written by Sun Readers who claim to have "Shot up Heroin in the Doug Ford Senior home” that Councillor Ford inherited. The same source also claims that Councillor Ford knew about that fact and that “all Councillor Ford had to do was ask his brother Randy to score the drugs or from Kathy” - He went on to say that Kathy & Randy were “the original Royal York Drifters” - Any Comment??

32. Councillor Ford lied when he said we "were tweeted outside his home and had sent threatening messages at his home" - Here he misled the public once again in thinking that this was not just a perceived threat but a real one! Never-the-less we can show our Virgin iPhone records which prove that the iPhone was out of service — by us - LONG BEFORE we were forced to meet Councillor Ford.

Footnote to Ford Supporters, who wouldn't care if the guy slaughtered someone! Your man is going to be having a riot of a time when the Integrity Commissioner is investigating him! I launched the complaint to the Integrity Commissioner and none of this is hard to prove, because we have the evidence in black and white.

The Toronto Ombudsman is involved and the Ontario Ombudsman will be investigating Health Minister Deb Matthews, who is willfully ignorant of any of this, or anything else that's current affairs and health related.

We now have a DR who actually understands FMS and my particular diagnosis! No thanks to your ignorant politician, did we end up with a DR, which is what he promised to do in May! All we did was entertain his promise and then we got lynched when we were honest about it!

Your superhero will love the court action that is at his door, for releasing our confidential and private medical documents to one Sue-Ann Levy. Or do you forget that is also a breach of the Integrity and Code of Conduct for Councillors of the City of Toronto.

That doesn't even touch on the slander, defamation and libel and Councillor Ford covering it up, or trying to, using the media who would print anything he asked for, clearly! Motto is, don't trust the Toronto's Star's David Rider or Sue-Ann Levy.

Since some of you "less intelligent" bottom-feeders" actually believe I was or am "a drug addict" - Here, I present my living room/Media Centre - Or the "drug den"? - Looks like an Addicts Place all right! PS..The pix are geotagged with location & date and time.

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